Bill Summary Detail

This page shows summary information for an individual bill.

The smart table displays the following:

  • Transaction number: The transaction associated with the bill

  • Bill number: The number identifying the bill

  • Account number: The account associated with the bill

  • Site name: The site billed

  • Accuracy type: Indicates how usage was determined for the bill

    Actual reflects the actual consumption. Other options are Administrator corrected and estimated and Vendor corrected and estimated.

  • Meter number: The number/ID of the meter being billed

  • Reading type: The energy source billed for (renewable solar, electric, natural gas, and so on)

  • Variable: Indicates how much the usage might vary from what is billed

    Actual consumption: Indicates that the bill reflects the actual meter reading.

  • Usage: The amount of energy being billed

  • Daily average: The average usage per day

  • Reported

  • Calculated

  • Period start: The start date of the billing period

  • Period end: The end date of the billing period